Scratchboard Resource Post

Artist: Judy Blake
Title: Menacing
Dimension: 11×14 inches
Media of each work: Scratchboard
Why you chose it: The wolf looked interesting and the $1,400.00 price tag seemed a bit out of place.
What about the reference image you can integrate: I like the angle the wolf comes from in the picture.
Some interesting factoid about the artist(s). The artist Judy Blake is a Canadian immigrant who was born in Washington State.

Artist: Tanie Nault
Title: Silent Night
Dimension: 9×12 inches
Media of each work: Scratchboard and acrylic ink
Why you chose it: I have yet to see music really interpreted in this kind of art.
What about the reference image you can integrate: You can hardly tell the picture is on scratchboard and the ink looks really cool.
Some interesting factoid about the artist(s). Tania Nault says in her “about me” section that she gets excited about new art supplies….

Artist: Erik Linton
Title: Navajo Child
Dimension: 16×18 inches
Media of each work: Scratchboard
Why you chose it: The little girl looks really sad in the picture.
What about the reference image you can integrate: The realism achieved by the picture is breathtaking in my opinion.
Some interesting factoid about the artist(s). Erik Linton was an LDS missionary in Peru for two years.

Published in: on February 22, 2010 at 3:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

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